The client journey

When it comes to your finances, it’s good to have a clear view of what’s to come. Here’s how we’ll typically work together.

The mission ahead…

1. Discovery

Our first meeting is all about getting to know you. We’ll spend this time establishing your goals, what’s important to you, what you’re looking to achieve and why, so we can build a clear picture of where you are now versus where you want to be in the future. A discovery meeting typically lasts 40 minutes and is held via Zoom/Microsoft Teams.

2. Exploration

We’ll continue to explore the specifics of your current finances, needs and goals. We’ll use our online portal to share information securely and efficiently. We need to understand your investment experience and knowledge, educating where required, and assess your attitude and tolerance towards investment risk. You need to understand and be comfortable with everything, or we don’t do it.

3. Evaluation

Now it’s over to us to take a deep dive into your situation. We’ll review your position now and how it could change – for good and bad. We will create scenarios that show your current and alternative paths you could take to achieving your goals. We will consider and highlight any shortfalls and look at your options, opportunities, and threats to build the best plan for you.

Recommended changes are very often incremental ones, and we explore what they look like and how they can impact the trajectory of your journey.

4. Financial plan

Using everything we’ve learned so far, we’ll build your bespoke financial plan. We’ll then arrange a meeting to present to you,
talking through our recommendations in detail. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and discuss how you want to proceed – we’ll only ever go forward once you’re completely happy with your plan, fine print and all.

5. Implementation

Once you’re happy with your financial plan and all of the necessary documents and paperwork have been signed and completed, we’ll start to put things into action. We will liaise with the relevant providers and ensure your investment and protection details are in their online systems.

6. Ongoing planning

To help you achieve the best possible outcomes in the long term, it’s important to regularly revisit your plan. This gives us the chance to assess how well it’s serving you on your journey to your goals, and whether we need to make any changes. After all, life is always changing – we just need to move with it! We’ll typically meet and do this at least once a year.

Our fee philosophy

We think it’s important for you to have a clear understanding of how we work and what you’ll be paying for before you commit to any costs. That’s why we always offer an initial consultation free of charge, and will discuss any costs with you in full before you sign up for our services.

We’re also aware that everyone’s circumstances are unique, so you should be able to choose the service level that’s best for you. Our fees are structured in a way that encompasses the full scale of services we offer, from one-off transactional advice to ongoing financial planning services.

View our full list of fees

View our full list of fees

Our Investment philosophy

Smart – We take a sensible, evidence-based approach to investing money, capturing market returns to grow and maintain wealth, keeping costs low and tax efficiency high.
Strategic – Financial markets will be key to the success of your financial plan in the long-term. We use suitable risk adjusted investment portfolios that don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.
Sustainable - We believe that maximising potential for returns and doing the right thing are not in conflict. That’s why we favour investments in socially and environmentally responsible companies.
Stay focused – There will be short term fluctuations that we can't predict and it can be hard to hold fast in times of volatility. We’re here to guide you and help you stay focused on your goals - financial markets have a history of being profitable in the long term.
Stay on track – We do this with our ongoing planning service to monitor and review progress to achieving your needs and goals, generating better outcomes.

The value of investments and income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.
Tax treatment is based on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax planning.